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67 1980

67 1980

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    m7kma 67 1980

    67 1980
    67 1980
    67 1980
    67 1980



    67 1980

    67 1980


    o :
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    : 67 1980 || : Bakenam || :

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  2. #2
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    m7kma : 67 1980

    Introduction to General Theory of Obligation

    (Defining Obligations) 3
    (Characteristics of Obligations) 3
    (Significance of the Theory of Obligations) 4
    (Philosophical Schools and the Theory of Obligations) 4
    (Sources of Obligations) 5
    (Glossary) 5
    (Supplemental Reading) 6
    (Reference Materials) 6

    (Defining Obligation)

    ʡ .

    1. (juridical bond)
    2. (of a monetary nature)
    3.  (creditor)
     (debtor)

    (Characteristics of Obligation)

    1. . :
    a. .
    b. ()  )  )
      ( )
    + :
     : .
     : .

    2. :
     .
     ( ).

    3. . ( ).
     (: )
     (: )

    (Significance of the Theory of Obligation)

    1. ( ) .
    2. ɡ (: ).
    3. :
     ( autonomy of the will).
     (: ).
     . (: : 703-731.)
     ( )
     ( . : )
     : (: )
    ( : )

    (Taxonomy of Obligations according to its Subject Matter )

    ( ) ( )
    ( ) ( )

    (Philosophical Schools and the Theory of Obligations)

    1. (The Subjective Theory):
    a. .
    b. :
     .
     ( : ).
     (: ).
     ( ).

    2. ((The Objective Theory:
    a. ɡ . :
     : .
     : .

    b. :
     .
     ( : ).
     (: ).
     .

    3. : .
    (Sources of Obligation)

    1. : (contract) + (unilateral volition) ( )
    2. : (illicit facts) + (licit facts) ( )

    : 198 . Theory of unperceived contingencies (in French: theorie de limprvision)
    : =
    + ( ) Theory of value
    Real right
    Personal right
    Assignment of right (in French: cession de crance)
    Assignment of debt (in French: cession de dette)
    Terms indicated in the Glossary are primarily in English. Italicized terms are in French or Latin, unless otherwise specified.
    (Supplemental Reading)
    1. : 2 (: ȡ 1998).
    2. " : " ޡ : 7 : 2.
    3. ʡ (: ѡ 2004).
    4. (: ).
    5. : ( ʡ ʡ 1982).
    6. : ( ʡ ʡ 1982).
    7. 1: : ϡ 3 (: ɡ 1981 ).
    8. : (: . . 1984).
    9. (: ɡ 1978).
    1. Barry Nicholas, The French Law of Contract, 2nd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
    2. Contract Law Today: Anglo-French Comparison, ed. by Donald Harris and Denis Tallon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991(.
    3. John Bell et al, Principles of French Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
    1. F H Lawson et al, Amos and Walton's Introduction to French Law, 3rd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979).
    2. Reinhard Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd, 1990).
    3. The French Civil Code: Revised Edition as Amended to 1 July 1994, trans. by John H Crabb (Littleton: Rothman & Co/Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995).
    4. Walter van Gerven, P. Larouche, J. Lever, Cases, Materials and **************** on National, Supranational and International Tort Law, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000 (own book), p. 683.

    1. Christian Larromet, Droit Civil, 3rd edn (Paris: Economica, 1996).
    2. Franois Terr, Philippe Simler and Yves Lequette, Droit Civil: Les Obligation, 7th edn (Paris: Dalloz, 1999).
    3. Henri and Lon Mazeaud, Jean Mazeaud and Franois Chabas, Intoduction ltude du droit, 10th edn (Paris: Montchrestien, 1991).
    4. Philippe Malaurie and Ayns Laurent, Cours de Droit Civil: Les Obligations, 11th edn, 3 vols (Paris: Éditions Cujas, 2001).


  3. #3
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    m7kma : 67 1980

    Introduction to the Theory of Contract

    (Sources of Obligation) 2
    (Defining the Contract) 2
    X (Contract X Convention) 2
    (Domain of the Contract) 2
    (Autonomy of the Will) 3
    (Contract Categories) 3
    (Glossary) 6

    (Sources of Obligation)

    1. ( ): .
    2. ( ): ѡ .

    (Defining the Contract)

    ● ● : ( ///)
    ● ●

    X (Contract X Convention)

     .
     X ( / / ).

    (Domain of the Contract)

    ● ( ) .

    ●  .
     : ● ● ●
     ( ).
     (: / ) (: ).

    ●  .
     ǡ ( / / ).
     .
     .

     .

    (Autonomy of the Will)

    : ( ).
    o :

     ( )
     ( )
     (privity of contract)
    o :
     : Canon law: pacta sunt servanda / /
     " " (Laissez faire; laissez passer)
     ( / / / / / / / : ).

    (Contract Categories)

    (1) : X X :
     ǡ (: / ).
     .
     : + .
     ( ).
     X .
     : .
     .
     (: ).
     : // ( 68 ).

    (2) : (nominate contracts) X (innominate contracts):
     (: / / / ).
     :
    . ( / )
    . ( / )
    . ( / / )
    . ( / )

     (: / / ).
     (: / / / )
     .

    (3) : (bilateral / synallagmatic) X (unilateral contracts):

     ѡ .
     :
    1. .
    2. ( ).
    3. .
    4. .

     ء (: ).
     ( ) . .

    (4) : X :

     (: ) .
     ѡ .

     (: / / ).


    ( )

    ( )

    (5) : X :

     ().
     .

     ()
     .

    (6) : (contracts that are 'certain) X (aleatory contracts):

     ().
     ϡ ( .

    (7) : X :

     .
     .


    Contrats consensuels
    () Contrats formels
    Contrats de gr gr (negocis)
    Contrats dadhsion
    Contrats unilatraux
    Contrats synallagmatiques
    Contrats titre onreux
    Contrats titre gratuit
    Contrat de donation
    Contrat de bienfaisance ou de services gratuits
    Contrat commutatifs
    Contrat alatoires
    Contrats excution prolonge (successive)
    Contrats execution instantane
    Contrats nomms
    Contrats innomms

    * Terms indicated in the Glossary are primarily in English. Italicized terms are in French or Latin, unless otherwise specified.

    (Reference Materials)

    1. : ɡ 2 (: ȡ 1998).
    2. ʡ (: ѡ 2004).
    3. (:
    4. ӡ " " 20 1.
    5. : ( ʡ ʡ 1982 ).
    6. 1: : ϡ 3 (: ɡ 1981 ).
    7. : (: . . 1984).
    8. : (1999)
    9. ѡ : ɡ 2 (: ڡ 2001).

    1. Barry Nicholas, The French Law of Contract, 2nd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
    2. Contract Law Today: Anglo-French Comparison, ed. by Donald Harris and Denis Tallon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991(.
    3. John Bell et al, Principles of French Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
    10. The French Civil Code: Revised Edition as Amended to 1 July 1994, trans. by John H Crabb (Littleton: Rothman & Co/Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995).
    11. F H Lawson et al, Amos and Walton's Introduction to French Law, 3rd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979).
    12. Reinhard Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd, 1990).

    1. Christian Larromet, Droit Civil, 3rd edn (Paris: Economica, 1996).
    2. Franois Terr, Philippe Simler and Yves Lequette, Droit Civil: Les Obligation, 7th edn (Paris: Dalloz, 1999).
    3. Henri and Lon Mazeaud, Jean Mazeaud and Franois Chabas, Intoduction ltude du droit, 10th edn (Paris: Montchrestien, 1991).
    4. Philippe Malaurie and Ayns Laurent, Cours de Droit Civil: Les Obligations, 11th edn, 3 vols (Paris: Éditions Cujas, 2001).


  4. #4
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    m7kma : 67 1980

    Formation of Contract


    / 6
    (Glossary) 7
    (Reference Materials) 7

    : 1. (Consent)
    2. (Subject matter)
    3. (Cause)
    4. (Form )

    : ( ///)

     (Gentlemens agreement)
     .
     .

    ( ):  ( )
     ( )
     ( )

     ʡ / ( ).

     . ( / : ).
    . ( : ). 35 :

     ()
     : / /
     : / .
     (silence circonstanci) (:" ")

     .

     .

     :
    o ( ӡ ).
    o / .
    o 37 .

     ( ) .


    : :

    ( ).

    : :
    / / .

     ( ).

    ( ) X ( ):

    ( )  ɡ ).

    ( )  ( ).

     : ( ).
     : ( ) :

    In French: la volont dclare
    In French: la volont interne
    : ɡ ǡ . Domicile
    Circumstantial silence (In French: silence circonstanci(
    Contract inter absentes
    Latin: bona fide
    * Terms indicated in the Glossary are primarily in English. Italicized terms are in French or Latin, unless otherwise specified.
    (Reference Materials)

    1. : ɡ 2 (: ȡ 1998).
    2. ʡ (: ѡ 2004).
    3. (:
    4. : ( ʡ ʡ 1982 ).
    5. 1: : ϡ 3 (: ɡ 1981 ).
    6. : (: . . 1984).
    7. ѡ : ɡ 2 (: ڡ 2001) . 89.

    1. Antonio Silva, "The Role of Consent in the Formation of Contract in Comparative Private Law", International Journal of Baltic Law, Volume 1 No. 2 (February, 2004). Available online: <*******...aspx?logid=5&i d=205fade9-1390-11d9-ad1b-00d009d9a146>
    2. Contract Law Today: Anglo-French Comparison, ed. by Donald Harris and Denis Tallon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991(.
    3. John Bell et al, Principles of French Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
    8. Antonio Silva, "The Role of Consent in the Formation of Contract in Comparative Private Law", International Journal of Baltic Law, Volume 1 No. 2 (February, 2004). Available online: <*******...aspx?logid=5&i d=205fade9-1390-11d9-ad1b-00d009d9a146>.
    9. Barry Nicholas, The French Law of Contract, 2nd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
    10. F H Lawson et al, Amos and Walton's Introduction to French Law, 3rd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979).
    11. Reinhard Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (Cape Town: Juta & Co Ltd, 1990).
    12. The French Civil Code: Revised Edition as Amended to 1 July 1994, trans. by John H Crabb (Littleton: Rothman & Co/Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995).

    1. Christian Larromet, Droit Civil, 3rd edn (Paris: Economica, 1996).
    2. Franois Terr, Philippe Simler and Yves Lequette, Droit Civil: Les Obligation, 7th edn (Paris: Dalloz, 1999).
    3. Henri and Lon Mazeaud, Jean Mazeaud and Franois Chabas, Intoduction ltude du droit, 10th edn (Paris: Montchrestien, 1991).
    4. Philippe Malaurie and Ayns Laurent, Cours de Droit Civil: Les Obligations, 11th edn, 3 vols (Paris: &Eacute;ditions Cujas, 2001).


  5. #5
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    m7kma : 67 1980

    Sources of Legal Rules:
    (1) Legislation


    ()  (: / / ).
     .

    (: ڡ ݡ ). :
    o ( )
    o ( : / / / ).

    1. ( )


    1. ( )


     ɡ .


    1. .
    2. ɡ ( ).
    3. / / .


    1. ( / )
    2. ( / ) .

    1. - ( )
    2. - ( )
    3. - ()

    - ( )

     .
     ɡ ɡ ǡ ǡ .

    ( )

    ǡ :
    3. ( )
    ߡ ( / ).

    o  / .
    o /  / .

    1. ()  ɡ ( 1814: / / )

    2. ( / )  ( / ) ( 11 1962)

    3.  ɡ :
    a. /  ȡ . . ( (.
    b. / /  / ɡ ǡ .

    4.  ( / / ) .

    1.  ɡ ( ) .

    2. ( )  㡡 ǡ .

    3.  . :
    a. ( )
    b. ( )

    4.  ( ).

    1.  ɡ ( 1971 / 1972).
    2.  ɡ .

    1. ()  ɡ .

    2. ()  ɡ ( ).

    - ()

    ɡ ѡ ( / / / / ). ( ).

    ( )

    1. 

    2. 

    3.  ( )).

    4.  : + .

    5.  " ". ( ɡ ).

    ( / / ) ɡ ( " "). .

    (1) ( )

    71 ѡ ɡ ( " ") . :

    1. ( / )
    2. ǡ ( )
    3. /
    4. ( ֡ ). . .


     ѡ .
     ա . ( ) " ". :

    1. ( / / )
    2. ڡ
    4. ɡ
    5. ( )
    6. . . .

    ǡ ڡ ( ).

    a.  / .

    b.  :

    i.  .
    ii.  ޡ .

    - ()




    o  ɡ / .
    o  ɡ . ( / )

    2. ( )

    o  ( : ). " " ( ).
    English Term Arabic Term Notes
    Subordinate legislation / bylaws ( )

    ( )

    : " "
    Magna Carta Is Going on the Auction Block
    By JAMES BARRON (Published: September 25, 2007)
    This is the ******************************** that laid the foundation for fundamental principles of English law. The men who drafted the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights borrowed from it. It is Magna Carta, agreed to by King John of England in 1215 and revised and reaffirmed through the 13th century. The tail dangling off the page is a royal seal. And it is about to go on sale. Sothebys, which today is expected to announce plans to auction it in New York in mid-December, estimates that the ******************************** will sell for $20 million to $30 million. It is the only copy in the United States and the only copy in private hands. Sothebys says the 16 others are owned by the British or Australian governments or by ecclesiastical or educational institutions in England. Until last week, this copy was on display in the National Archives in Washington, steps from the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. But it was only on loan from a foundation controlled by the Texas billionaire Ross Perot. The Perot Magna Carta dates to 1297 and was endorsed by King Edward I. The National Archives said that of the 17 original versions that still exist, 4 are from the reign of John; 8 are from Henry III; and 5 are from Edward I. Mr. Some jurists consider the Perot Magna Carta to be the most important one because it was the one that was entered into the statute books in England. By the time Mr. Perot bought the copy, it had been on the market for four years, and at least one deal had fallen through before Mr. Perot came along. At the time, Mr. Perot said he was amazed that it had been for sale. It was like someone said Mona Lisa, he said at the time. It will be sold by David N. Redden, a Sothebys vice chairman who sold a copy of the Declaration of Independence for a hammer price of $7.4 million in 2000 (that copy had been tucked behind a $4 flea-market painting). Mr. Redden was also one of the auctioneers at the sale of items from Jacqueline Kennedy Onassiss estate in 1996. Mr. Redden arranged the Magna Carta auction so quietly and did not tell his own employees why he was changing arrangements for other auctions. A director of Sothebys said he was asked to give up a room at Sothebys headquarters. All they told me was: We are selling this really important ********************************, the most important ******************************** of all. Can you give up this room for us? he recalled. And Im like, Sure, but what are we selling, the Magna Carta?
    David N. Redden, third from left, a Sothebys vice chairman, watched one of 17 existing versions of Magna Carta being unpacked on Monday in Manhattan. It is to be auctioned off in December.

    (Supplemental Reading)
    1. (: ʡ 1986 ).
    2. : (: ʡ 2006).
    3. ϡ ( : 1993 ).
    4. ȡ 6 (: ʡ 2003).
    5. ͡ " : " ޡ 19 2.

    6. " " ޡ ɡ 1994 19 3.
    7. " " ޡ ɡ 1994 4.
    8. ϡ ( : ݡ 1996 ).
    9. ͡ " : " ޡ ɡ 1995 .
    10. ϡ (: ʡ 1993).
    11. ϡ ( : 2000 ).
    12. ѡ ( : ɡ 1986 ).
    13. ʡ ( ): <>(29 2005).
    14. : ( : ݡ 1990).
    15. : ( : ɡ 2004 ).
    16. ( : ɡ 1992 ).
    17. : ( : ʡ 1972 ).
    18. ( : ء 1991).
    19. ( : ϡ 1981 ).
    20. ͡ (: ɡ 1989).
    21. ͡ " " ޡ 1 1.
    22. ( : ѡ 1992 ).
    23. ϡ ( : ɡ 1993).
    24. ϡ ( : ɡ 1993 ).
    25. ޡ ( : ɡ 2004 ).
    26. ѡ : ( : ).
    27. ϡ 3 (1988).


    19. Barry Nicholas, The French Law of Contract, 2nd edn (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992).
    20. F H Lawson, A E Anton and L Neville Brown, Amos and Walton's Introduction to French Law, 3rd edn (Oxford: Clarendon P1.
    21. Hossam El-Ehwany and Nader Mohamed Ibrahim, Introduction to Law, Part I: The Theory of Law (Beiruth: Al-Halabi Legal Publications, 2004).
    22. John Bell, Sophie Boyron and Simon Whittaker, Principles of French Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998).
    23. The French Civil Code: Revised Edition as Amended to 1 July 1994, trans. by John H Crabb (Littleton: Rothman & Co/Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 1995).
    24. Walter Cairns and Robert McKeon, Introduction to French Law (London: Cavendish Publications Ltd, 1998).

    1. Franois Terr, Introduction gnrale au droit, (Paris: Dalloz, 2000), p. 167, 437.



: 1 (0 1 )


1980, 67, , , , , , ,