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    An Irrevocable Power of Attorney

    I am whose signature affixed …………………....... a Jordanian citizen , a holder of an identification card – issued by Civil Status department – No ………… issued on …………………. with a national identification record number of :……………………….. as grantor , have hereby appointed, named and constituted for me and in my name , place and stead……………………………. …………………likewise a …………. citizen , to act in my behalf and represent me to execute and perform every act concerning the whole area of the land piece number ……….. basin No ……. ………………… of ……………….. lands its area is ………….. square metres ,I’ve given him full power and absolute authority in doing all types of usage , manipulation and exploitations of the said piece of land, with all what is constructed on it, includes the constructions ,buiuldings, and estates. Especially this power of attorney includes and covers :
    1- 1- The right of partition , division ,al******************************** the right of pre-emption and in general my attorney – in - fact has the right to undertake and perform any procedures in front of Lands Department , Financial departments , taxation departments realted to the said two pieces of land in terms of uniting and joining them , seperating or dividing or whatelse .
    2-The right to construct any real estates , buildings ,apartments or any appurtenances on the said land piece takes place upon to his assessment of what is fitting in terms of its area ,the required height ,digging works ,deconstruction, rebuilding,and generally to undertake any construction acts whatever de************************ion and purpose they have with no referring to me .My attorney – in - fact has the right to obtain the needed construction licenses and permissions of occupation by the concerned parties or local related authorities for the purposes of constructing buildings and constructions .He has the right to register the resulting estates partially or as a whole in the name of any who wishes or is willing to register for his sake including him ( My attorney -in -fact) and in his own name .
    3-The right to sell and waiver the ownership of land ,estates and apartments constructed on the same land for himself and for any other one he wishes with the price which he assesses and the right of receiving prices with no referrence to me . He has the right to rent and re-rent , to manage the real estates that he constructs on the land and to invest it in all ways of financial investent and to act with in all ways of acting , exploitatin, usage and for the purposes he sees are suitable .The said attorney- in -fact has the right to receive , pay absolutely amounts that are related to these undertakings and perfromances or whatelse.
    4- He has the right of mortgage for the land or the apartments or the constructions installed on them partially or as a whole for others whether they are natural persons or intellectuals and for himself .He has the right to release the mortgage and the right of borroing as placing the estate subject of this power of attorney or what is constructed on it as an insurance for the loan how much is it and from any which party it was borrowed including : banks ,Jordanian financial institutions or foreign ones, he has the right to remortgage and to rerelease it once and more and to make settlements concerning any loan related to the said mortgage and to receive ,pay and act in any way of activity toward any person he wishes and to himself as well as the right to receive any amounts due and resulting from the acts he undetakes on the real estate ,the apartments as well as the the constructions built over it .
    5- He has also the right to pay all revenues ,fees,and expenses and to receive the charges , compensations whatever their purposes and sources were ,and he has the right to undertake all legal procedures and interventions in front of the administrative and jerudical concerned parties to remove any tresspassing on the estate subject of this power of attorney or what is consequent and successive of it later including : buildings , apartments and to defend against any objection and claim whatever it was and from any source .The siad attrney in fact has the right of legal counterparting and semi- legal one in front of the administrative parties whatever their objectives were if relating to the said estate subject of this power of attorney and what is resulted and succeeded from it including : apartements an buildings , he has the right of raising legal and personal friendly settelements .
    6- In general he has the right to undertake all the acts of building on the land and to invest in it , to sell , to rent ,to manage ,to invest , to mortgage , release mortgage ,receive , pay to whoever he wishes of natural or intellectual persons as well as for himself in any time he wishes with no referrence to me .The siad attorney in fact has the right to set his hand instead of me and in my behalf on all contracts ,papers needed for all aforementioned activities in front of concerned land registration departments or any official , semi- official or private parties or in front of institutions of credit including : banks, Jordanian and foreign financial institutios and to pay fees and to receive vouchers and to arrange settlememts. Consequently he has the right to perform and undertake all legal activities even mentioned or not mentioned and even if its mentioning has come as provided or conditioned .He has the right to warrant /give power of attorneis to lawyers and /or whoelse he wishes of other than advocates with all or some of what he has been authorised to do or what it is legally elligible to be authorised to do even mentioned or hasn’t been mentioned and even of its mentioning was provided and conditioned .He has the right to remove lawyers or whom he has given powers of attorney once and more .This power of attorney is absolute relating to what is authorised with concerning the said piece of land .This is an irrevocable power of attorney , its domain can’t be restricted and limited as the right of its attorney in fact is in compliance with the article 863 of Civil Law and as I had received the price ……………………………… completely .My attorney -in -fact has the right to resume all what he was authorised with and to enjoy any sub - athorities without recognizing any objection, removal or expiry or limitation for the domain of this power of attorney ever issued by me or by the others .
    Thus ,I declare that I’ve constituted and appointed the said attorney-in –fact an absolute power of attorney concerning the said estate for my attorney – in- fact’s opinion,saying , deed and with all what is included and authorised by this power of attorney .

    *The grantor of power of attorney

    *Witness *Witness

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