المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ركب واجعل راديو خاص لموقعك او منتداك هنا غير معرب

03-17-2009, 06:15 PM
السلام عليكم
وكل عام وانتم بخير ان شاء الله تعالى

اولا اعتذر على عدم ترجمة الموضوع وضعفي للانجليزي
اتكلم فقط عربي فرنسي ؟
الموضوع واضح جدا
ركب واجعل راديو خاص لموقعك فقط ولاتجعله في معصية الله ورسوله !
واكسب من الاجر الى مالا نهاية

واليكم الطريقة وروابط الملفات شغالة
والاعضاء الي مايستطيع تحميل من هذا الموقع يكتب لي فقط الموقع للتحميل الي عاوز وانا ان شاء الله ارفع له الملف الي يريده

Creat Your Own Radio And Video Station Live Broadcast -


Now you can create your own radio and video station!!!
you can broadcast live video and audio with ZERO cost

I have explained in detail how to install and stream Read more for details
Just follow my steps and you will create your station easily

Requirements :

1) The ****** PicoStreamer

you can download it from here:

Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ONWFLJTL (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ONWFLJTL) PicoStreamer is an Open Source project ie license is Free

2) Ftp file manager You can use any program FileZilla is a good one you can download it from here :

Code: http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client (http://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client) 3) Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1

you can download it from here :

Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MGQMYL5G (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=MGQMYL5G) 4) Winamp

you cad download it from here :

Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UUPJIM50 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UUPJIM50)
5) winamp SHOUTcast Plugin

you can download it from here :

Code: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X6B2T2L5 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X6B2T2L5) 6) microphone

Note that : all rar pass is :
Code: www.down4me.com (http://www.down4me.com/) How to install the ****** :

There are tow ways to install the ****** :

First metod :

1 . Connect to your host via FTP.


2 . Find the cgi-bin directory of your server.
Do not create it: must exists yet!!!

3 . Set transfer mode to ASCII in your FTP client settings.
In FileZilla: Menu Transfer -> Transfer type -> ASCII


4 . Transfer the content of cgi-bin in your remote cgi-bin (that MUST exists yet!!! do not create yourself!!!)

5 . On remote site, change permissions on files:


to 755 or rwx.r-x.r-x
In FileZilla: right click on file -> file properties -> insert 755 -> press OK


6 . Go to the root of your ***server. Usually the name is


7 . Set transfer mode to AUTO
In FileZilla: Menu Transfer -> Transfer type -> AUTO



8 . Copy the ENTIRE directory /picostreamer in the remote side.

9 . On the remote side enter in the /picostreamer directory

10. Change permissions of dir "users" to 777 or rwx.rwx.rwx
n FileZilla: right click on file -> file properties -> insert 777 -> press OK


11. On the remote side, enter in the dir /picostreamer/users

Change permissions of file "config.txt" to 666 or rwx.rw-.rw-
In FileZilla: right click on file -> file properties -> insert 666 -> press OK

Note that : the ****** have to be installed in the directory of name picostreamer

Enter in admin panel:
Code: http://www.yousite.com/picostreamer (http://www.yousite.com/picostreamer) using user "admin" and password "adminpass"

Second method :

go to :

Code: http://www.vinz486.com/portal/index.php?ind=installer (http://www.vinz486.com/portal/index.php?ind=installer) Follow the steps and the program will install the ****** in seconds

Hot to Stream :

1) install all required tools mentioned in top of this topic

2) go to the admin panal of your ****** should be something like

Code: http://yoursitename.com/picostreamer (http://yoursitename.com/picostreamer) username: admin
pass: adminpass

Create a user from the new user tap :


logout and then loging with the new username and pass

you will find that the user still offline Although you are logged in do not worry just follow these steps

click on Picoicy


in the source sitting tap check the first option and leave the setting as default
in the picostreamer tap and fill the fields as follows

Ps Host:
Code: www.yoursitename.com (http://www.yoursitename.com/) username : the user that you have created from picostreamer adminpanal ( not the admin )
password: userpass ( not the admin pass )
then click on Test Connection it should give you Test successful


after that click on start connection


then open winamp go to options ==> preferences


under the plug-ins you will find DSP/Effect double click on Nullsoft SHOUTcast....

you will get this windows :


in the output tap
leave all fields as default just modify the pass field with the pass of the created username ( not the admin ) then press connect
If you see the following the all thing is fine and you can brodcast whatever you want


Note that :

1) you should connected at PicoIcy first then then winamp plugin
2) the two windows should be opened and in connection while streaming

Congratulations now you can speak in your microphone or just play any song or playlist in winamp or do both of them and all will be broadcasted

Now you should see the user online on your ******

You Can broadcast video through the program PicoIcy

1) you can design a good looking page with embedded links to your radio
2) users can listen or watch your videos through that page without going to the ****** page
3) You can place your Ads winked and get revenue from your own radio

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