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اخطاء شائعه في اللغه الانجليزيه [الأرشيف] - منتديات بانى ستار

المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : اخطاء شائعه في اللغه الانجليزيه

02-01-2009, 01:55 PM
السلام علبكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اقدم لكم مجموعه من الاخطاء الشائعه في اللغه الانجليزيه وذلك في اول اطلاله لي في هذا المنتدى الرائع
وارجو ان تنال اهتمامكمhttp://www.b7st.com/vb/images/smilies/smile.gif

"AM" stands for the Latin phrase "Ante Meridiem"--which means "beforenoon"--and "PM" stands for "Post Meridiem": "after noon." Althoughdigital clocks routinely label noon "12:00 PM" you should avoid thisexpression not only because it is incorrect, but because many peoplewill imagine you are talking about midnight instead. The same goes for"12:00 AM." Just say or write "noon" or "midnight" when you mean thoseprecise times.It is now rare to see periods placed after these abbreviations: "A.M.",but in formal writing it is still preferable to capitalize them, thoughthe lower-case "am" and "pm" are now so popular they are not likely toget you into trouble. Occasionally computer programs encourage you to write "AM" and "PM"without a space before them, but others will misread your data if youomit the space. The nonstandard pattern of omitting the space isspreading rapidly, and should be avoided in formal writing.

ACCEPT/EXCEPTIf you offer me Godiva chocolates I will gladly accept them--except forthe candied violet ones. Just remember that the "X" in "except" excludesthings--they tend to stand out, be different. In contrast, just look atthose two cozy "Cs" snuggling up together. Very accepting. And becareful; when typing "except" it often comes out "expect

ACCIDENTLY/ACCIDENTALLYYou can remember this one by remembering how to spell "accidental."There are quite a few words with -ally suffixes (like "incidentally")which are not to be confused with words that have "-ly" suffixes (like"independently"). "Incidental" is a word, but "independental" is not.

ADAPT/ADOPTYou can adopt a child or a custom or a law; in all of these cases youare making the object of the adoption your own, accepting it. If youadapt something, however, you are changing it.

ADMINISTER/MINISTERYou can minister to someone by administering first aid. Note how the"ad" in "administer'resembles "aid" in order to remember the correctform of the latter phrase. "Minister" as a verb always requires "to"following it.ADULTRY/ADULTERY"Adultery" is often misspelled "adultry," as if it were something everyadult should try. This spelling error is likely to get you snickered at.The term does not refer to all sorts of illicit sex: at least one of thepartners involved has to be married for the relationship to beadulterous.ADVANCE/ADVANCEDWhen you hear about something in advance, earlier than other people, youget advance notice or information. "Advanced" means "complex,sophisticated" and doesn't necessarily have anything to do with therevealing of secrets.

ALLITERATE/ILLITERATEPairs of words with the same initial sound alliterate, like "wild andwooly." Those who can't read are illiterate.ALLS/ALL"Alls I know is . . ." may result from anticipating the "S" in "is," butthe standard expression is "All I know is. . . ."ALLUDE/ELUDEYou can allude (refer) to your daughter's membership in the honorsociety when boasting about her, but a criminal tries to elude (escape)captivity. There is no such word as "illude."ALLUDE/REFERTo allude to something is to refer to it indirectly, by suggestion. Ifyou are being direct and unambiguous, you refer to the subject ratherthan alluding to it.ALLUSION/ILLUSIONAn allusion is a reference, something you allude to: "Her allusion toflowers reminded me that Valentine's Day was coming." In that Englishpaper, don't write "literary illusions" when you mean "allusions." Amirage, hallucination, or a magic trick is an illusion. (Doesn't beingfooled just make you ill?)