المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : بلوك الاخبار لمجلة MKPortal

01-06-2009, 05:59 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اسعد الله اوقاتكم جميعاً

بلوك الاخبار ورعه لمجلة MKPortal

مشاهدة البلوك من منتدى ترافيان (http://www.travian-vb.com/)

هنـــــــــــــــــــــا (http://www.travian-vb.com/)

طريقة التركيب

1- قم بتحميل dynamic_***_news.php الى داخل ملف البلوك في المجله على هذا الامتداد "/mkportal/blocks/"

2- قم بتحميل هذا الملف من المجله "mkportal/templates/{yourtemplate}/mkp.js"

yourtemplate = اسم الاستايل المستخدم

في نهاية الملف اضف

رمز PHP:

//** Kimi added for Dynamic *** News v1.0
//** Tab ******* ****** v2.0- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (http://www.dynamicdrive.com)

////NO NEED TO EDIT BELOW////////////////////////

function ddtab*******(tabinterfaceid){
this.tabinterfaceid=tabinterfaceid //ID of Tab Menu main container
this.tabs=********.getElementById(tabinterfaceid). getElementsByTagName("a") //Get all tab links within container
this.hottabspositions=[] //Array to store position of tabs that have a "rel" attr defined, relative to all tab links, within container
this.currentTabIndex=0 //Index of currently selected hot tab (tab with sub *******) within hottabspositions[] array
this.sub*******ids=[] //Array to store ids of the sub *******s ("rel" attr values)
this.rev*******ids=[] //Array to store ids of arbitrary *******s to expand/contact as well ("rev" attr values)
this.selectedClassTarget="link" //keyword to indicate which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")

var re=new RegExp(Name+"=[^;]+", "i"); //construct RE to search for target name/value pair
if (********.******.match(re)) //if ****** found
return ********.******.match(re)[0].split("=")[1] //return its value
return ""

ddtab*******.set******=function(name, value){
********.****** = name+"="+value+";path=/" //****** value is domain wide (path=/)


expandit:function(tabid_or_position){ //PUBLIC function to select a tab either by its ID or position(int) within its peers
this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
var tabref=""
if (typeof tabid_or_position=="string" && ********.getElementById(tabid_or_position).getAttr ibute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
else if (parseInt(tabid_or_position)!=NaN && this.tabs[tabid_or_position].getAttribute("rel")) //if specified tab contains "rel" attr
catch(err){*****("Invalid Tab ID or position entered!")}
if (tabref!="") //if a valid tab is found ****d on function parameter
this.expandtab(tabref) //expand this tab

cycleit:function(dir, autorun){ //PUBLIC function to move foward or backwards through each hot tab (tabinstance.cycleit('foward/back') )
if (dir=="next"){
var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex<this.hottabspositions.length-1)? this.currentTabIndex+1 : 0
else if (dir=="prev"){
var currentTabIndex=(this.currentTabIndex>0)? this.currentTabIndex-1 : this.hottabspositions.length-1
if (typeof autorun=="undefined") //if cycleit() is being called by user, versus autorun() function
this.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)

setpersist:function(bool){ //PUBLIC function to toggle persistence feature

setselectedClassTarget:function(objstr){ //PUBLIC function to set which target element to assign "selected" CSS class ("linkparent" or "link")
this.selectedClassTarget=objstr || "link"

getselectedClassTarget:function(tabref){ //Returns target element to assign "selected" CSS class to
return (this.selectedClassTarget==("linkparent".toLowerCase()))? tabref.parentNode : tabref

var result=window.location.search.match(new RegExp(tabinterfaceid+"=(\\d+)", "i")) //check for "?tabinterfaceid=2" in URL
return (result==null)? null : parseInt(RegExp.$1) //returns null or index, where index (int) is the selected tab's index

var sub*******id=tabref.getAttribute("rel") //Get id of sub******* to expand
//Get "rev" attr as a string of IDs in the format ",john,george,trey,etc," to easily search through
var associatedrevids=(tabref.getAttribute("rev"))? ","+tabref.getAttribute("rev").replace(/s+/, "")+"," : ""
for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){ //Loop through all tabs, and assign only the selected tab the CSS class "selected"
this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=(this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")==sub*******id)? "selected" : ""
if (this.enabletabpersistence) //if persistence enabled, save selected tab position(int) relative to its peers
ddtab*******.set******(this.tabinterfaceid, tabref.tabposition)
this.setcurrenttabindex(tabref.tabposition) //remember position of selected tab within hottabspositions[] array

for (var i=0; i<this.sub*******ids.length; i++){
var sub*******=********.getElementById(this.sub******* ids[i]) //cache current sub******* obj (in for loop)
sub*******.style.display=(sub*******.id==sub****** *id)? "block" : "none" //"show" or hide sub ******* ****d on matching id attr value

var allrevids=this.rev*******ids
for (var i=0; i<allrevids.length; i++){ //Loop through rev attributes for all tabs in this tab interface
//if any values stored within associatedrevids matches one within allrevids, expand that DIV, otherwise, contract it
********.getElementById(allrevids[i]).style.display=(associatedrevids.indexOf(","+allrevids[i]+",")!=-1)? "block" : "none"

setcurrenttabindex:function(tabposition){ //store current position of tab (within hottabspositions[] array)
for (var i=0; i<this.hottabspositions.length; i++){
if (tabposition==this.hottabspositions[i]){

autorun:function(){ //function to auto cycle through and select tabs ****d on a set interval
this.cycleit('next', true)

if (typeof this.autoruntimer!="undefined")

var persistedtab=ddtab*******.get******(this.tabinterf aceid) //get position of persisted tab (applicable if persistence is enabled)
var selectedtab=-1 //Currently selected tab index (-1 meaning none)
var selectedtabfromurl=this.urlparamselect(this.tabint erfaceid) //returns null or index from: tab*******.htm?tabinterfaceid=index
this.automodeperiod=automodeperiod || 0
for (var i=0; i<this.tabs.length; i++){
this.tabs[i].tabposition=i //remember position of tab relative to its peers
if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel")){
var tabinstance=this
this.hottabspositions[this.hottabspositions.length]=i //store position of "hot" tab ("rel" attr defined) relative to its peers
this.sub*******ids[this.sub*******ids.length]=this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rel") //store id of sub ******* ("rel" attr value)
tabinstance.cancelautorun() //stop auto cycling of tabs (if running)
return false
if (this.tabs[i].getAttribute("rev")){ //if "rev" attr defined, store each value within "rev" as an array element
this.rev*******ids=this.rev*******ids.concat(this. tabs[i].getAttribute("rev").split(/s*,s*/))
if (selectedtabfromurl==i || this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && parseInt(persistedtab)==i || !this.enabletabpersistence && selectedtab==-1 && this.getselectedClassTarget(this.tabs[i]).className=="selected"){
selectedtab=i //Selected tab index, if found
} //END for loop
if (selectedtab!=-1) //if a valid default selected tab index is found
this.expandtab(this.tabs[selectedtab]) //expand selected tab (either from URL parameter, persistent feature, or class="selected" class)
else //if no valid default selected index found
this.expandtab(this.tabs[this.hottabspositions[0]]) //Just select first tab that contains a "rel" attr
if (parseInt(this.automodeperiod)>500 && this.hottabspositions.length>1){
this.autoruntimer=setInterval(function(){tabinstan ce.autorun()}, this.automodeperiod)
} //END int() function

} //END Prototype assignment
//** END Kimi added for Dynamic *** News v1.0

ثم قم بحفظ التغيير و اعادت تحميله

3- قم بفتح style.css على الاتمتداد "mkportal/templates/{yourtemplate}/style.css"

وفي النهاية اضف

رمز PHP:

/* Kimi added for Dynamic News */
font-style: italic;
/* End Kimi added */

والان قد انتهينا من التركيب

ويبقى لدينا ان نقوم بتنشيط البلوك

من لوحة تحكم المجلة -> البلوكات -> dynamic_***_news

قم بتنشيطه و ضعه في الوسط ومن ثم قم بتغيير السمه مثلا لاسم الاخبار

الملفات المرفقةhttp://traidnt.net/vb/images/attach/zip.gifDynamic_***_News.zip (http://traidnt.net/vb/attachment.php?attachmentid=266966&d=1214697007) (5.3 كيلوبايت, عدد مرات المشاهدة 81 مرة)