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مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : النسخة vBulletin vb3.7.0 Beta 6 منزوعة الكود للتحميل بروابط سريعة

05-15-2008, 10:23 AM
مقدمة عن النسخة

vBulletin 3.7.0 Beta 6


If you are not fully at home with backing-up and restoring your forum, dealing with bugs and regular upgrades, DO NOT INSTALL THIS BETA VERSION

Although we had hoped to bring you the first Release Candidate at this stage, we have added some new functionality to 3.7 and as a result, must do another beta release. This is Beta 6.

Customers running older beta versions of vBulletin 3.7.0 should upgrade as soon as possible, to ensure that any known problems are eliminated.

Social Group Moderation

Users can now create social groups with ******* hidden until moderation. Therefore, it seemed logical that it should be possible for those users to act as moderators for ******* within their own groups.

Beta 6 sees a new permission added which can allow just that.

Album Picture Moderation

It is now possible to force all images uploaded to enter the moderation queue before they are displayed to other visitors.

More Social Group Options

This functionality has been extended with new group options including:

Enable/disable images

Enable/disable messages

'Users must join to see *******' now completely hides ******* including image thumbnails

Visitor Message / Social Group Message / Picture Comment BBCode Limits

While previously these were hard-coded, administrators now have the option to define exactly which bbcode tags are available for each of the three new message types.

Visitor Message Privacy

Users can now specify that only their contacts can view and post to their visitor messages section. It is also possible for users to completely disable visitor messages on their own profile.

Minified ********** Files

In order to minimize the download footprint of the vBulletin ********** files, these are now distributed in 'minified' (compressed) form when a package is downloaded from the Members' Area. The uncompressed versions are still available as a download option should people want them for modification purposes etc.

Significance of a Beta Release

This is beta software. If you are not fully at home with backing-up and restoring your forum, dealing with bugs and regular upgrades, do not install this beta version.

Customers should bear in mind that this is a public beta, not a certified 'stable' release so the following caveats apply:

Beta software is unsupported and you install beta versions at your own risk.

Some minor bugs remain unresolved at this time, so beta software should not be on production sites.

You should always back up your data**** fully before attempting to install beta software.

If you choose to install this version, you should be aware that we plan to release new beta versions in rapid succession as bugs are fixed and holes are plugged. Do not install this beta version if you are not willing or able to keep up-to-date with new releases.

The ImpEx import system does not support the 3.7 code yet, and will not support it until the release of 3.7.0 (stable).

الرابط الأول للتحميل : http://www.2shared.com/file/2953656/...d3m-vbnet.html (http://www.2shared.com/file/2953656/d1b4729a/vb37b6-UploadBy-d3m-vbnet.html)

الرابط الثاني للتحميل : http://www.5zna.com/download/315847d1c7b4cdb50.zip (http://www.5zna.com/download/315847d1c7b4cdb50.zip)

باسورد فك ضغط الملف : http://www.d3m-vb.net/vb

أتمنى لكم التوفيق وتابعونا للحصول على المزيد ..

كل التحية

Dj MarTy
06-07-2008, 05:38 AM
مشكور ويعطيك العافية .. على النسخة :)